
Saturday, June 30, 2012

First thing is first

So first thing is first, do we paint or do we redo those horrible floors? Painting the whole house is a daunting thought so who better to help us out than some good friends who want some free food and drinks. Maybe drinks afterwards... 

We decided painting first, so then if things get a bit messy it won't be a total loss, since the floors need to be sanded and re-stained anyway. Boy are we glad that we made THAT choice. 

One nagging thought though, what is under the linoleum in the kitchen? Not that brown square linoleum isn't Gorgeous... Crossing our fingers that we find some of the original hardwood floors that we fell in love with.

No such luck...particleboard...Particleboard? Particleboard?! For serious? 

Half of the boards came up WITH the linoleum! Ugh. So there goes an extra couple hundred bucks to put in new floors.

You can also see some of the work done by our flooring guys to replace the ...ahem... particleboard. They did a pretty good job at matching the original floors. Lets hope the stain color looks as good.

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