
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dog Run

After we moved into the house, we then turned our attention to our backyard. You remember, that large weed-filled expanse to the rear of our home?

When we were looking at homes to buy, one of the major items we were looking for was a space to entertain guests. With two small but hyper dogs, we knew that we would need some sort of space to keep them corralled when we had guests over. We decided to build a dog-run. 

Since I went to school for Architectural (Structural) Engineering, I may have over-done it a bit... 

8" concrete bases, 4x4 posts, 8' lattice frames.

You should have seen the look on people's faces when we rolled away from Home Depot with these items in the backseat of our Versa. All the contractor's with their big trucks and vans, and us with our five-door Versa. Granted, it took us a few visits to get it all way home, but we did.

Overall, I think it came out well. We bought our first power drill, learned how to use a borrowed circular saw, and finished our first project without killing each other!

We hope to build the dogs a shelter and a dog house some time along the road. Knowing my husband, it will look like a le Corbusier building.

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