
Friday, November 9, 2012

Beer Bread (That's right you heard me)

After one of our parties, we seemed to have quite a few extra beers laying around. And since my husband is the only beer drinker in the house, I figured that there had to be a better way to get rid of some of the bottles.

Pinterest is of course the first place I looked and like always, it does not disappoint.

I found a beer bread recipe that used a whole bottle of beer.
We have tried beer battering shrimp and vegetables but it always feels like I am wasting most of the beer.
Sacrilege! No more!

The recipe is fairly simple: flour, salt, sugar, baking powder.
But for extra leavening and cohesion, they use the beer. And just about any beer will do, just depends on what you like. No eggs makes this recipe great for those with egg allergies.
Oh, and butter, lots of butter.

It both lubricates the bread pan and when poured over the top, creates a crispy buttery crust. 
Just try and keep from snacking on the crust once it comes out of the oven.


You can find the full recipe by clicking on the picture above. Looks good doesn't it?
Not our picture, but it look scrumptious. We wish we could have stopped ourselves from immediately taking a bite, but the bread is just too good. And there wasn't much to photograph excepts some crumbs. It wasn't pretty.

If you are worried about getting drunk from eating this bread, let me tell you that it is cooked in the oven for an hour and only contains one beer in the whole thing. Even if you eat the whole loaf, there wouldn't be much alcohol left after cooking it. There really isn't any way to get a buzz from this bread but use your own judgement.

The bread is best served warm with a drizzle of honey.
Enjoy responsibly!

Follow this link to my Pinterest cooking board.

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