
Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Growth

Just last spring, we bought some bare-root fruit trees for our backyard.
A pecan tree, mandarin orange, lime and a pink-lady apple tree. 
We know it was going to take a long time to grow but at around $20 a piece, they are more cost effective than buying full-sized trees.

They look like we are trying to grow broomsticks, but we are optimistic.

Just this December, we noticed our little tree has some little apples growing on it! Yeay!
Go little tree!

 Since we need the little tree to grow tall instead of growing crab-apples, we had to remove the apples. Sorry little guy.

They at least tasted like apples...sour apples, but apples.
Maybe in a few years, we will have full-sized apples for our future children to pick!

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