
Friday, June 22, 2012

Where should we begin?

Where should we begin? Probably best to start where we have the most pictures. Wedding or house? Hmmm, lets go with the house. Our biggest never-ending project. AND WE LOVE IT! It is the biggest pain-in-our-ass but it is OURS! And we can do just about anything we want with it, the perfect project with never-ending possibilities.

First we will post some pictures of the original state of the house when we bought it at the end of July 2011 and from there we will document the many many projects that have taken place here since we moved in. Hope our projects inspire some of your own!

Lots of windows make this place so bright and airy even without the high ceilings.

The backyard has been our biggest challenge.

Jumanji we loathe you...

Just one big blank canvas. So many possibilities!

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