
Monday, January 28, 2013

Blessing Bag

Last fall, I found a link on Pinterest about blessing bags and thought that they would be a great idea.
We are always trying to find small ways to give back and to help people out. We are always wary of giving out money to people on the street since we don't know what they will spend that money on. 
With the blessing bags, we are giving them things that they need including some food.

We started with a gallon sized Ziploc bag and started cramming as much stuff in as possible.

Our bag has the following items: water bottle, deodorant, shampoo, soap bar, antibacterial, razor, brush/mirror, hand-wipes, neosporin, toothbrush, pain reliever, toothpaste, band-aids, crackers, granola bar, gum, beanie, socks and a $5 McDonald's gift card.

We handed out our first bag just last week to a man on an off-ramp in Stanton. We made sure to explain that there was a gift card and food in the bag when we handed it to him. 
He seemed grateful.

It does make your heart feel good to help someone out, even in a small way.
Fill your bag with whatever you think is best. Included in our bag was a note card with contact information for a few local shelters and places for food, training, etc. 

One can only hope that we at least made that man's evening a little bit better.

1 comment:

  1. Brian and I were talking about this in the car this morning. I told him i thought this was a awesome idea and a really nice thing you guys did. We also talked about wanting to do things, but often times getting burning by some of the people we try and help in the past.
