
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DIY Fountain

When we were designing the layout of the backyard, we had always envisioned guests coming into our home looking out the back French doors and their eye being drawn to our backyard to a fountain. 

The pot itself was such a find! We were looking for plants at a nursery in Laguna Beach when we happened upon a blue distressed pot. It didn't have a price tag so we asked, expecting them to say it was close to the price of the others around it. $80...$100...even $120... It is Laguna Beach after all.

"Fifteen dollars." 
"$50!" we exclaim. 
Needless to say, we took the pot home.

Once we got home, we immediately went about finding a website on how to make the fountain ourselves. Pinterest was extremely useful. See the video link that we used.

We ran an exterior power cord out from the house to the base of the fountain.
And then promptly found out they had solar powered pumps...for serious? That was a very long and deep trench that we dug! Oh well. 

The end product doesn't look too bad. It has a nice burbling noise. Very soothing.

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