
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Plantings

So the garden boxes are in. What is the next step? 
Let's plant!

We thought we would start with something simple.
(note: not so simple)

We just bought some garlic heads from the store, broke them into individual cloves and planted upright into the ground. Be sure to leave as much paper on the cloves as you can.
Good job hubby!

We also purchased some items from a nursery to get our garden a leg up in the growing season. Here is an artichoke plant.

Guess you can't guess what this....Asparagus! Who knew that it was so ferny...

We love cooking with fresh herbs, so we bought alot of herbs to plant directly into the garden. Basil, parsley, thyme, sage, cilantro, mint (in it's own pot since it is a weed!), rosemary, dill, and lavender. 
In the back corner, we added a few strawberry plants as well. Yummy!

We want alot of other summer vegetables so we started the rest as seed in homemade seed pots we found on Pinterest.
Cannot wait to start eating all the yummy food we are going to make with this garden!

The design of the garden boxes was found through Pinterest. Check out the link below!

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