
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Flooring Update

After painting, pulling (linoleum) and paying (for new wood floors in the kitchen), it was time to refinish the wood floors. Below are some before/after pictures of the updated flooring color:

Previous floor color... medium oak; typical, outdated and booooring.

New floor color... espresso; fresh and modern.
(Though it looks great, it's nothing if not hard to keep looking clean)

I know what you're thinking: "At last, a project without hiccups..." Hard to believe. This can probably be contributed to the fact that we had nothing to do with the project, aside from writing a check. In truth, we avoided a minor catastrophe when we were able to adjust after the mock-up of our original color choice turned out Grimace purple (pun intended). 

Oh, and lest I forget to mention our quality control, Daisy. We pretty much run everything by her first.

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