
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Concrete patio removal

When my family came down in August after we closed on the house, we were all in agreement that the concrete slab had to go. My younger brother took one look at it and said "I could do this in a day". Four hours and only 2 square feet later, he gave up.

Here is one last look at the original slab. That ugly, cracked thing...

Home Depot has a great rental department, so one day in January my husband and I rented a jack hammer. We only had 24 hours before we had to return it and since we wanted our neighbors to continue to like us, we had to complete our work before dark. A little while after we started hacking away at the slab, we thought it would be cool to setup our camera to take pictures every 10 minutes. My husband put together a compilation video. Check it out below!

Boy, were we sore the next day! This calls for lots and lots of garlic bread for dinner! Yum!

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