
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Come March and we are thinking, we are going to have to get our butts in gear before the planting season catches up to us. 
Where to start? We have such a big blank canvas with our backyard!

Key points we wanted to hit before the seeds go into the ground: 
Separate sprinkler zone for the vegetable garden
Fencing to keep out our dogs (no one likes pee on their peas)
Raised planting beds

So we dug up all of the existing sprinkler pipes and replaced them with a grid work of pvc organized into the approximate planter locations. Getting the pvc into the back retained planter was tricky since we had to dig under the short retaining wall. I was all for leaving it exposed but my husband was determined. With a bit of help from our dog Bacon, he managed to do it. Good job hunny!

Next was the fencing around the garden. We used the same components and design as the dog run on the west side of the yard.

Here is a look at the finished fence (minus the door). One of the only plants we saved from the original yard is seen here in the foreground. It turned out to be a Julia Child rose bush. Bon Appetit!

All we had left was the raised beds. But more on that later...


  1. Great job on the yard! Love the blog too. :-)

  2. Loved reading your blog and seeing all that you have done in a year! Would like to see a picture from the French doors to see what is looks like now with the fountain and garden. Maybe you can help me design my Italian courtyard!

  3. Thanks guys for the encouragement! We usually get all of our gardening ideas from Maybe try there first!

  4. Love the lattice fencing you installed, did you make it yourself (the lattice panels) or purchase them premade? I think they would be perfect to section off our dog run area.
